dawg; that's right stand up to these LYING BASTARDS. and let them know everything they say is a lie. oh i only wish i could be there. I'm great at ruining a jw's day. remember stick to the topics your strong on. and keep reminding your jw family " they are not QUALIFIED TO TEACH YOU SINCE THEY WORSHIP CON MEN IN BROOKLYN. AND DON'T BACK DOWN. have fun john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
A time for war at the family reunion-this apostate don't take crap!
by dawg ini just finished another of my famous letters i send to many of my family members... i've been told that i shouldn't come to the family reunion becasue i'm an apostate.
in my letter i stated that i in fact am going to be there stupid watchtower quotes in hand.
the first family member that shuns me will hear me read off every stupid statement that they've ever made... i said that i'm also bringing my bible and that i want someone in the family to show me in it where it states that i don't have the right to question the dictates of men and by my so doing i should be shunned!.
August KM provides solid evidence of declining JW morale
by sir82 inas you may or may not recall, the february '07 km (for the us) had a huge article, taking up the full 4 page insert, on the "blessings" of auxiliary pioneering.
the part covering that insert took up the entire service meeting (aside form the announcements).
the "encouragement" was that the us branch had set a goal of 160,000 auxiliary pioneers for the month of april ("if only one of every 6 publishers signs up, we can make it!")..
johnny cip
i posted back in april-may about me running to large groups of aux. pioneers. 15,20,30 at a time. one day i watched over 20 jw's for A half hour. work one street. and it took them over a half hour to finish one street . all they were doing was standing on the side walk. It wasn't till i got out of the car and started talking to some of them . that the elder came over , screaming like a jerk. because i was asking questions about the memorial, i fixed up the elder , and made him scream some more, till he whipped his flock, to run away and stop talking to me. in 5 minutes. they all disapaired. but i knew only about 4 out of over 20 dubs had any intrest knocking on any doors. glad i planted some seeds. john
Ore. court rules against Mormon church's effort to keep finances secret
by jgnat inthis find is courtesy of our very own poster, gretchen956.. here is the link: http://www.kgw.com/news-local/stories/kgw_071207_news_mormon_church_finances_.6a24f7fd.html .
here is the article: .
ore. court rules against mormon church's effort to keep finances secret .
johnny cip
seems like the courts are getting fed-up. with these church secrets. this could SPELL BIG TROLUBLE FOR THE WTS. and all other churches. i sure hope so... john
After 18months I get called on - Elder confrontation.
by wozadummy infirstly i will acknowlege this may be long please bear with me.. not all written here will be exactly in the sequence we discussed things, for we talked for some time at my door.. he was my former book study conductor and i still think he has good qualities that i see lacking in so many elders, but as you will see the wts mindset is like concrete in his mind.. i am writing this not to brag but to emphasise and highlight the disgusting mindset of the wts and it's leaders and members.. here we go - some may know that my wife was molested as a child for some time by her elder father.
when we married some years ago it did not take long for her to open up to me about what happened to her and needless to say we struggled with this, and eventually told the local elders what happened to her as a child.. we only went this path after she tried to get him to confess ,which he did'nt and so we followed what we thought at the time was the theocratic way and went to the elders ,and please note we sincerely wanted him to repent so he could get everlasting life.
he denied all and so followed years of heartache for my wife along with her family tormenting her and eventually abandoning her, even by at least one of her sisters whom my wife also witnessed getting done by the father though not as bad ,and my wife even as a kid tried to protect her younger sisters.. ok there is the usual wts crap "we have no witnesses" even though my wife called out to jehovah to stop him as he did this for years.
johnny cip
i read this yesterday. and want to commend you and your wife for standing up to these dopes. they just don't get it do they till you STAND UP TO THEM. yours is a sick story, and this wt ZOMBIE was trying to talk his way out of it. But you were a man , and made him look and feel like , the piece of $hit that he is. you did better than good. you put him and the wt doctrine in place. trust me this dog will never show up at your door again. but if any of these wt idolizers , do try to bamboozle you again just give them some more HUMBLE PIE. JOHN
Intercepting JW's on the 4th of July! Oh what fun!
by HadEnuf ini must tell you an interesting story from today.
gary and i went thru a drive-thru for breakfast and were sitting at our local park (in the car) enjoying our high fat, high cholesterol breakfast when, low and behold, here comes a group of jw's sloooooowly checking out the area.
(this is right by the river on the green circle trail, which is a favorite place for joggers, walkers, bikers, etc.
johnny cip
HADENUF SAID"I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!! AND...my illustration about the nazi's, in my mind, is NOT going too far. JW's would all make great nazi's and I thought it a most appropriate comment. I ain't backing down. No no no. I ain't backing down" WELL YOUR 100% RIGHT , And i never back down from jw's. and I don't think you will back down ever again from them. i got my posts here restricted to 5 a day, because i stand up to jw's and made comments about , how the jw's got off easy with the Nazi's. but the point is jw's are like Nazi's in themselves. many posters here are scared of x jw's that stand up to the jw's and give them a taste of their own MEDICINE. i personnally think you went easy on the jw's calling them Nazi's . once you stand up to these dopes the first time , you can't wait to do it again. and you will be back telling stories of your fine EDUCATION WORK that you have been doing, EXPOSING JW'S IN THE STREET AS THE NAZI'S THEY ARE... but be careful here on jwd many crybabies will cry to the adminstrators here to get you banned from the board. keep up the great work. i can't wait to here your next anti-witnessing story. john
Intercepting JW's on the 4th of July! Oh what fun!
by HadEnuf ini must tell you an interesting story from today.
gary and i went thru a drive-thru for breakfast and were sitting at our local park (in the car) enjoying our high fat, high cholesterol breakfast when, low and behold, here comes a group of jw's sloooooowly checking out the area.
(this is right by the river on the green circle trail, which is a favorite place for joggers, walkers, bikers, etc.
johnny cip
hadenuf: beautiful work. i know how great you feel now. jw's hate when ever you interupt their little canned preaching work. once you step up and confront them , they run for the hills. When i catch a jw witnessing to someone, I walk straight up and ask the jw, did you tell this nice person your trying to befuddle. all about all the jw's false prophecies for the end of the world???? How your counting time ? about the slave labor of mag selling? how if this person wants to become a jw , the wt will tell him to hate all of his family and friends. how this persons best bet would be to quit his job and become a full time pioneers? the list goes on and on and on. if more x jw's did what you did today less jw's would go around preaching their HATE... JOHN
Just Witnessed at my Door to an Elder and his Wife About Child Molestation
by flipper inhello all, just had an interesting conversation with a p.o.
elder and his wife who were leaving me a incognito invitation to the "follow the christ" convention.i declined the invitation, but told them i had an associated press article i'd like to leave with them about molestation settlements jw's made outside of court.
i asked if they were aware of this settlement.
johnny cip
Excellent Flipper; so you worked them for 30 minutes!!! And they came over thinking they were going to PISS on you with their dc invite. Instead you turned the tables on them , and had them groveling. I always say stand up to jw's and they will wilt. yea all those 1000's of jw kids are lying? come on. more people should learn from your fine witness today, that jw's don't really have much except some prerecorded lines. that they learn at the misery school... john
johnny cip
nice article Nathan; and good reply. i will not waste any time , i'm going to e mail this reporter to do a follow up article on the jw's . while it's still fresh in her mind. john
Give your money to the WTBTS when you die
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land inanother thread discussed how people are encouraged in annual wt articles, service meeting parts, and visits from elders when they are elderly and dying, to consider leaving some or all of their property to the society.
here's proof that they profit handsomely from this activity.
found this searching www.guidestar.org (has filings on charities/trusts):.
johnny cip
a few years ago i called bethel and asked for a financial report on how they spend thier $$$$$$ before i would donate $500,000 and asked for the chrarites planning book . well after about 5 calls to patterson . and pressing the same one or two people at the charites dept. I got no answers and never recieved that booklet, so they never got my phoney $500,000 donation . but i asked lots of questions, and they wanted the $$$$$$$. you figure it out
AlanF Interview with Creation Book author Harry Peloyan 1997
by besty inthis has possibly been posted before (i hadn't seen it) - i found it a fascinating read - well done alanf for fronting it up..... it can also be found online at http://www.reexamine.org/wtobserver/apps/pbcs.dll/article86c8.html?aid=/20040309/history/204007.
interview with a watchtower society author on wednesday, 27 august 1997, i met with harry peloyan for about 1 1/2 hours in the lobby of the 25 columbia heights bethel office in brooklyn, new york.
my purpose was to discuss problems with the creation book with him, since he is its main author.
johnny cip
I spoke to Harry Peloyan at bethel on the phone about 3-4 years ago for about 10-15 minutes. based on what i learned about the Creation book aS told by ALLEN F AND A FEW OTHER awake articles that Harry Peloyan is the editor of the AFAKE MAG. well good old Harry started off all prideful and haughty. like any member of the FDS SHOULD ACT . till i started asking him HARD questions. poor Harry STARTED ACTING LIKE A DEMON. when he couldn't HONESTLY answer any of my questions. Poor harry was left there sitting at his desk FUMBLING like a LYING SON OF A BITCH. and i made sure i let him know he was a LIAR. of course this spritual giant that all you jw's follow , all of a sudden had an important meeting to go to. he was busted and he knew it. i'll bet the only important meeting he had after talking to me was with the TOILET. CALL THIS WT DEMON AT 1718 560 5000 and ask for Harry Peloyan. they will put this DOPE on the phone. just know your topic first. and DRILL this dope. trust me it's easy. john of the class that i can't post any more today.